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A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading newspaper 

A dialogue between two friends about the importance of reading newspaper

Myself : Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah.
Friend : Walikum Assalam Warahmatullah.

Myself : How are you my friend?
Friend : Alhamdulillah and you?

Myself : Mash Allah I am fine.
Friend : Let us go to a newspaper stall.

Myself : But why?
Friend : To meet my thirst.

Myself : What do you mean? Why do you need to go to newspaper stall to meet thirst?
Friend : I mean thirst of newspaper.

Myself : I cannot understand your word.
Friend : It is very easy. I cannot start my day without reading newspaper.

Myself : Please explain it to me.
Friend : Newspaper is the current mirror of the world.

Myself : What does it mean?
Friend : It means, newspaper gives us all kinds of news of both home and abroad.

Myself : What do you mean by all kinds of news?
Friend : All kinds of news means social, political, business, games and sports, education, invention and discoveries, amusements and so on.

Myself : Does it give us only news?
Friend : No. It also gives us the views of the mass people.

Myself : Anything more?
Friend : Yes. Editorial and research news.

Myself : Which option of the paper is most important to you?
Friend : Headlines and editorials.

Myself : Is it very important to read newspaper regularly?
Friend : Of course. Newspaper opens the windows of our outlook. It keeps us updated with the current world. To keep pace with the world it is most important to read newspaper regularly.
Myself : You are right. Thank you for sharing the importance of reading newspaper.
Friend : See you again.


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