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A patient wants to consult with a doctor

A patient wants to consult with a doctor.

Patient : Good morning sir, how are you?
Doctor : Good morning, I am fine. Now tell me what’s your problem?
Patient : I have been suffering from fever for two days. I have had some medicine but they do not work well.
Doctor : Did you have the medicine according to any doctor’s advice?
Patient : No, Doctor.
Doctor : It’s very bad. Without consulting with any doctor, none should have medicine.
Patient : Do I have anything serious, doctor?
Doctor : No. Only a slight cold.
Patient : Will it last long?
Doctor : No, not so serious. Now I am prescribing you some medicines. Take them proper time according to the indication. I hope you’ll be ok in a day or two.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : You are most welcome.


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