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Tit for tat

Tit for tat

There were two gentlemen who lived in the same town. One of them was an Englishman and the other was Bengalee. The Englishman was a doctor and the Bengalee was a teacher. Once the two gentlemen were traveling by the same train and they were in the same cabin. The cabin has much space for its passengers but the Englishman captured most of the space with his baggage though the space was not for to keep baggage. So, it was very difficult for the teacher and the gentleman to sit with comfort. Though they suffered but the English ignored it. After traveling a short distance the Englishman told the gentleman to leave the shoes outside the cabin. But the gentleman didn’t agree. Then the Englishman threw the shoes outside the window of the train and the shoes were lost. The Englishman explained, “Dirty shoes are harmful for health.” The Bengalee man was very angry enough upon the Englishman. He looked for any chance. At last it came. When the Englishman began to smoke, the Bengalee man said, “Smoking is bad for health. You make unhealthy environment. So you should out from this cabin like the shoes of the gentleman. If you do not leave the cabin, I will throw you out.” The Englishman was afraid to hear it and left the cabin with his baggage.


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