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Write an application to your Headmaster prayer for permission to play a friendly football match.

Write an application to your Headmaster prayer for permission to play a friendly football match.

June 13, 2019
The Headmaster
Ramnarayan pur high school
Chatkhil, Noakhali.

Subject:- An application for permission to play a friendly football match.

Dear Sir,
We the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that we would like to play a friendly football match with Ali Subahan and college and Police Shrity School and college team in our school play ground after the 6th period. Our Game teacher Mr. Rahman has kindly consented to conduct the match if allowed by your honor.

We , therefore, pray that you will kindly give us permission to play the friendly match at 1 P.M. today and oblige thereby.

Obediently yours
Mahamud Nehal, Captain, Class-IX
On behalf of Ramnarayan pur high school


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