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Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice present/gift

Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for sending you a nice present/gift.
Feb 02, 2019
Dear Tuhin,
At first take my love. I hope you are fine by the grace of Allah. I am also fine with blessings of all. I am very glad to receive a parcel of a nice birthday gift. I would be happier if you could attend. But I know you could attend my birthday party because of your examination.
Thanks a lot for the gift. Thank you very much for the dictionary, which you have presented on the occasion. I wonder how you could guess my desires of a dictionary. I shall preserve it. It will come to use altogether my life. So I shall bear in mind the sweet memory of yours. Many presents I received on the occasion but the one received from you is the best of all.
No more today. Offer my regards to your parents and love to all.
Your loving friend


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