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A dialogue between two friends about the unemployment problem in Bangladesh 

A dialogue between two friends about the unemployment problem in Bangladesh

Myself : Assalamu Alaikum.
Friend : Walaikum Assalam.
Myself : How are you my friend?
Friend : Alhamdulillah and you?
Myself : I am also ok but I am afraid of some problems.
Friend : What kind of problem?
Myself : Unemployment problem.
Friend : What is unemployment problem?
Myself : When skilled people remain without work is called unemployment problem.
Friend : Make me understand clearly please.
Myself : Suppose, my elder brother is an MA. He needs a job now but there is no vacancy in any office or anywhere. Now he is unemployed and it is a problem.
Friend : Why is it a problem?
Myself : It is a problem because he cannot provide himself in any service for the country and he has no income.
Friend : So what?
Myself : He is seemed as a burden of the family.
Friend : Do you want to say that, as he has no income, he is a burden?
Myself : This is the reality. Everyone wants a job and income after his student life.
Friend : Why is this problem raised in our country?
Myself : Scope. The government has not created sufficient scope for the unemployed people to provide them in any service.
Friend : What should the government do?

Myself : Government can provide them different kinds of training and export manpower to the other countries to solve this problem.
Friend : Anything else?

Myself : Yes. Government and Business magnets can establish more industries to provide them service and thus unemployment problem may be removed.
Friend : How fine your idea is!

Myself : Really? Thank you very much.
Friend : Thank you also.


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