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Write a dialogue between a receptionist and a visitor regarding the reservation of a room in the hotel

Write a dialogue between a receptionist and a visitor regarding the reservation of a room in the hotel

Receptionist : Good evening.How can I help you?
Visitor : I would like to book a room in your hotel.
Receptionist : What type of room do you want,Sir?
Visitor : What types of room do you have?
Receptionist : We have single rooms, double rooms and deluxe rooms.
Visitor : What is a deluxe room?Does it have special amenties?
Receptionist : Yes. In the deluxe room we have a geyser, a telephone, a colour TV and an attendant.
Visitor : Can you tell me the rent for each of them?
Receptionist : This is the tariff card,Sir.You’ll find all the details in it.
Visitor : We are three in all-My mother,my ten years old brother and I. The delux room of course, is too expensive.

Receptionist : You can take a double room. Sir.
Visitor : Can we be accommodated there?
Receptionist : That doesn’t matter.We can accommodate three people in a double room.You will have to pay little extra for the third bed.
Visitor : That will be fine.
Receptionist : Please fill in this card and sign in the register.
Visitor : Do I have to pay any advance now?
Receptionist : No need. You have to pay at the time of departure. Here is your key. Your room number is 204 on the second floor. In case you need anything further, you can contact reception.
Visitor : Thank you.
Receptionist : We hope you have a pleasant stay here, Sir.
Visitor : Thank you.


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