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A victory day

    A victory day Bangladesh 

The 16th December is the Victory Day of Bangladesh. It is the most memorable day in the history of our country. The day is celebrated because on this day we won victory at the cost of a bloody battle and Bangladesh came into being and occupied a place in the world map as an independent country. Every year we observe this day with due solemnity .
We remember the supreme sacrifice of the patriotic heroic sons who laid down their lives for the country and pay glowing tribute to their departed soul. The day begins with gun shots. The whole country puts on a festive look. The national flag is hoisted on the top of each house and office. Meetings, seminars, symposiums and discussions are held on this by different govt. and non-govt. organizations.
People of all walks of life go to the national mausoleum and offer flowers there as a symbol of profound homage and heartfelt love to the martyrs. This day is a day of great joy, hope and inspiration . This victory symbolizes victory against injustice, tyranny and falsehood . This day will remain ever fresh and ever green in the heart of each and every Bangladeshi.

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